Beyond the Award: Best in Media's Education Initiative

Best in Media has built a reputation of being one of the top online awards entry and judging sites for broadcasters and press clubs.  7 years of dedication providing the best platform, service and support to creative associations and organizations that represent clients in television, radio, web and publishing.  Our mission statement has always been "to provide the best possible service to all four components of an awards program:

  • The Entrant
  • The Association or Organization Executive Directors or Awards Managers
  • The Judges
  • The Production Company in charge of producing your awards show 

Now we have fulfilled a 7 year promise to add our education initiative!  Think about this for a moment:

Every year our website contains 1000's of media files: Video, audio, documents, images, public relations campaigns...a massive collection of products created by local media outlets to compete for coveted state association awards!  Statewide awards are a big deal because that is where the direct competition is.  It can affect rate sheets, prestige and create a forum in which new journalists, editors, reporters, videographers, photographers, anchors and all the creative programs and breaking news productions can be compared to their peers and give recognition to their work.

This entry media represents the best local and regional broadcasts, print and online work by the dedicated creative staff at broadcast and media outlets in your very own town!  These are the markets and companies emerging students will be entering into after graduating from any college, university or internship media and mass communication undergraduate program.  A top media professor once remarked: "my students work hard to learn the craft and art of the bindustry.  Once they graduate, they sit by the phone and wait for Steven Speilberg to call!" - Brad Elsberg, New Media Studies, NNU.

So what does this mean for you?  This FREE SERVICE* allows you to fulfill your mission statements part that talks about your commitment to EDUCATION!  Not just for your members, but why not all the students in your colleges and universities?  Why not make all this current media available to faculty to share as a valuable resource to their students?

It's a no-brainer!  A total giver!  As a non-profit, one of your goals is to further the broadcast and publishing industries?  Make all this content available to any teacher or faculty and staff that is dedicated to teaching the next best communicators.

With our education initiative mass communication and media students can view 100's of award winning (and some not so award winning) submissions in TV, radio, online, print, visual and journalism that they will be competing against when they first graduate and enter the job market!  Education in a creative industry must remain current in order for the student to gain employment once they leave the classroom.  Best in Media provides the teacher with a huge resource of real world examples that were aired recently locally and from all over the country.

At Best in Media, we are primarily creative content developers for the broadcast industry AND college level faculty.  To us, this would be a welcome study platform in the classroom as well as out of classroom.

*our initiative is offered free for the first year to any association or organization that has a 1 year full service subscription to our online awards platform and service